Monday, February 2, 2009

Secret Blog Names

I have a friend who, on her blog (and a lot at home,) goes by "mommy." This is a cute idea from "mommy" to come up with blog names for your family, you know, to keep your identity private. I was talking this over with my hubbie and we thought of some that would be fitting for us. He is Chintzy (if you know him, it is fitting.) I am Bossy (again, fitting, but Big Spender would work just as well) Parks is Sassy and Davis is Hungry. I think it is cute...thanks for the idea "mommy."

Just for fun, I included a 13 month flashback photo of "Sassy"


  1. Love the new names!! I like how you are putting those grandparent names to use in advance! HA! Sassy looks to cute there.

  2. Good ones! For you, how about "Colorful"? That fits you on so many levels! It is especially true as I am sitting here listening to " the dog" on the little tune going on. Woof!
